We also made a 2nd appearance on WDRB w/ Keith Kaiser at February 23, 2023 advertising the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program.
We have collectively 15 years experience with pet and competition Obedience. Owner Ellasha Ferriell & Dog Trainer Mallory Hughes are certified by American Kennel Club (AKC) as Canine Good Citizen Program evaluations at all levels (CGC, CGCA, CGCU, S.T.A.R. Puppy and Trick Dog Titles as well. Ellasha had competed in International and National Confirmation with her two Boxers Tia & Capone. She has received several AKC Obedience Titles on dogs including Beginner Novice, Novice, CGC, CGCA, CGCU. Ellasha has also competed in a dog sport called “Schutzhund” right now its called “IGP” but it still universally known as Schutzhund. Her boxers and her have been training 3-4 years now. Ellasha has accomplished both Endurance Test (12 mile hike for the dog while being on Bicycle. Stop every 4 miles to check pads and give water), this earned a AD in FCI. Capone has earned his ZTP title meaning he is breed worthy. She has put a BH on both Tia and Capone which is the entry level obedience course for “Schutzhund”. Ellasha also competes and coaches AKC Rally and AKC Obedience. So there is a lot of experience in our company. Our training philosophy is strongly based off of “training the dog in front of you”, we don’t have cookie cutter ways of teaching because every dog learns differently and once we dig that out the fun really starts to begin. We are also education-based. So not only are you getting prime training at a great price, you are also gaining knowledge as a owner/handler. We also hope to offer in the future classroom/handler only classes. This way the owner can get accustom to things like issuing a command, by taking the dog out of the equation for a second. Our thesis with this way of thinking is to save dogs from being turned over to a shelter. Some cases the owner is just at their last wits and they dont understand why. So they just turn them in to Animal Control. If we could have them choose to try behavior modification training, before letting go.