2020 Goals (a little late…)

I know every year I write a post about my next years goals. I guess I must’ve forgotten to do so this year. However, they are a little late but Hey better late than never. I will break my goals up this time Between dogs and business goals.

Business goals: 1) To get my name out there and get established classes and private lessons. I plan to do this by revamping my business marketing strategy. I will be doing more vendor events in more targeted areas. 2) Another goal is to attend 1-2 conferences this year. I have them picked out both are in October 2020. October 2nd weekend is a seminar in PA about canine aggression. Then the last weekend of October is the Association of Professional Dog Trainers Conference.

Personal Dog goals: Capone, I would like to get his AKC CD title and possibly his IGP1 titles this year. It’s going to take a lot of work. But we may be able to get there. Tia, I would like to get her AKC CGC and CD titles and her BH finally. Not putting too many unrealistic goals on these two or myself.

With my personal dog goals I had to take a step back and be realistic with my training and titling goals. I’m not in the best of health and cannot train like a normal person. I’m not giving up on IGP but it takes a lot of cardio and will take me a longer time to train and title dogs in. This frustrates me endlessly. I just want to be able to train like normal people and go after titles aggressively. I just came to realization that Im not like other people and I will have to do it on my own time table. It also kind of sucks training two dogs at one time when you are a amateur like I am. But I am going to keep on trucking but with that still in mind.

So that’s my dog and business related goals for 2020. Ready to get after them!!!

Happy Training,



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub