Well, our training this week is in two pieces. We had training on Wednesday and Saturday. So I will start with the training on…
Join Our Mailing List
From here on out at the bottom of every post you have an opportunity to join our mailing list. We will be sending out…
Impact Crates Affliate Program
I have now become an affiliate for Impact Dog Crates. These crates are the best in the business of dog crates. They are very…

Weekly Training Notes 7/8/2018
A lot of good info this week at training. Let’s start out with Tracking. So I’ve been laying two parallel straight tracks since we…
YouTube, we have arrived!
Small announcement. Haus of Boxers Kennel and Canine Training now has it’s own YouTube Channel. Yay! We don’t have many videos up now, but…
Weekly Training Notes 7/1/2018
So this weekend we trained with Christina Hansel. Diamond was away giving a seminar in New Jersey. We met at 8 am to track…