Beginner Obedience and Rally Class Information 2.5.2020 and 2.6.2020

Welcome to the start of Beginner Obedience and Rally Classes. I just have a few things to keep in mind for the next 6 weeks.

  1. Please be on time 
  2.  Please pick up after your dog (if this becomes a problem, I will have to charge a waste fee)
  3. No refunds after first night of class
  4. There only needs to be one handler with the dog inside training ring. You can switch when we take bathroom break. 
  5. Class fees are due before the 1st night of class in order to hold your spot in the class. We are limiting our classes to 4-5 students.
  6. No abusive corrections or you will be dismissed with no refund.
  7. If you have a question just raise your hand and ask it. There is never a dumb or silly question.
  8. Lastly Have fun!!!

Please fill out the needed paper work for the class. I am working with a system that you can do that all online. If I have it set up before the class I will let you know and you can do it that way. Things you will need to bring to class. Training collar (this could be a flat collar, or prong collar depending on age of the dog, if you dont know we will figure it out), high value treats (when I say high value I mean something that they don’t normally get at home i.e. hotdogs cut up, happy howies, etc), 6 ft leash.

Happy Training,



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub