Friday Afternoon
Yes, I know this entry is way overdue. I have not fallen off the face of the planet. I have just been busy with some things. So this entry is about the training weekend in Clarksville, Tennessee about a month ago. I have tons of pictures and tons of feedback so lets get started. That Friday morning on the 21st, Me, Tia and Capone headed 3 hours south to Tennessee. We arrived in TN a little after 12PM. We couldn’t go check in our AirBnB until 4 so we went straight to Jill’s house to meet with Jill, Renee, Minna, Chris and Lloyd to do some training. We finished right around four o’clock which was perfect timing for me to go check in to the AirBnB. (I will write a full review on the AirBnB in a separate post). Dinner was at 6pm. We went to O’Charley’s because on a Friday night it was the only place that had like no wait to be seated. I got back to the AirBnB around 9:30PM. I fed dogs and got them settled, took a shower and watched tv for a little before going to sleep. I was preparing myself for Saturday. Had my clothes out and getting into bed early to have my energy.
We started with tracking on Saturday around 8am. I didn’t want to lay long tracks for Tia and Capone because they hadn’t tracked in a long while and I didn’t want to set them up for failure so I just did a 50 pace track, no articles, and one turn, for both of them. Tia did well on her track. So did Capone, I was really shocked. My main problem Chris said is I need to switch up how I lay the treats instead of doing one treat every third step, keep the dog guessing where the treat will be. Do every third step then maybe every 2nd step, then every step, just to keep the dog guessing so they don’t get used to where the treats are. Next we went back to Jill’s house to do Obedience and Protection.
Obedience with Tia went good our heeling had improved a lot since Chris last saw us. We did some heeling and some pace changes and about turns. Chris said I need to play with the dogs more instead of making the training session so formal. Like instead of starting from basic position every time to heel I need to build her drive up and just go and worry about straightening myself out as we are heeling. Here are some pictures from Tia’s Saturday Obedience.
Capone got the same notes. Heeling looked good. We also worked on out of motions. He has to work on me being able to continue walking during them instead of me stopping and then him sitting. Here are some pics of Capone’s Saturday Obedience session.
Weather was great for training. Next we moved on to Protection. Tia wasn’t taking the sleeve from his arm for some reason. Her barking was strong though. Here is some pictures of Tia Protection.
Capone did good in his protection session. I was able to send him into the blind and let Chris work with his bark and holds. Didn’t get any pictures of Capone’s protection session on Saturday.
After training, I went back to AirBnB to change clothes for dinner and to go ahead and feed dogs. While in the shower I started to get dizzy and I almost collapsed. I was so tired and started to feel weak. I worked my own dogs and it took a small toll on my body. I decided to stay in and rest my body. So I didn’t go to dinner at all. So me and the dogs chilled and watched “Silence of the Lambs”.
Sunday we started early so those (me) could get on the road back home early. Tia in obedience did great. She did the jump for the first time. Here are some pictures. Tia was going home with Minna and Chris so she could get trained to get her breed survey title (ZTP) in April.
Capone’s Obedience session on Sunday went great too. He did the dumbell for the first time and worked more on the out of motions. Here are some pics.
Tia’s protection went better on Sunday.
And so did Capone’s Here are some pics:
Everything went well, learned a lot and had a lot of fun. Tia is now with Minna and Chris in Wisconsin. Me and Capone got home about 8 or 9 o’clock that night and we were so tired. Ready for a recharge. So we got our homework and what to work on me and Capone are going work hard on that. Happy Training!