aka Tia aka Tia Love girl aka Tia Poops

Int. CH (IABCA) V Boxnen’s Republic of Love RN BN BH AD
D.O.B. 4/13/2016
DM- B/Carrier Not Affected
Heart: Normal/ECHO cardiologist,
HD (Hips-BK): A2
Spondylosis- BK: Grade-0
Sire: Best Puppy Jahersieger 2013 , 2014 & 2016 USA-box Fawn sieger and 2x BIS V- Danabol D’Jandilla AD ZTP
Dam: Intl Ch UKC Ch V Boxnen’s Jwoww BH, AD, CD, CGC

Tia is our newest pup. She is a very spunky girl. We got her from Boxnen Boxers. Minna Nousiainen Becher bred her. I have waited to get a puppy from her for a very long time. She breeds and trains her dogs in IGP. She has the most IPO titled boxers in the country. She is the real deal and her boxers are too. She wanted a working home for Tia. So we got her at 10 months and she is thriving in training. She picks things up very quickly. I love working with her. She is the first dog that we don’t co-own with someone. She’s all ours. Tia is now training in IGP (Schutzhund), and AKC Obedience and Rally. Tia will be our foundation female for Haus of Boxers Kennel Program in 2019. She earned her IABCA International Championship title in June 2018. Tia did a couple of things this weekend 11.20 and 11.21 She (finally) earned her BH title in Schutzhund and her AD title. The AD is an endurance test, its a 12 mile run for the dog while someone bikes beside them. Of course I cant ride a bike so my friend Ann biked her. So proud of her this trial. Minna (her breeder) did the BH with her. And yes there’s video!! Take that 2020, lol.
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