Disclaimer: I have received this product free of charge from chewy.com in exchange for my honest review. I know this review is very late,…

"Coaching. Consulting. Education."
Disclaimer: I have received this product free of charge from chewy.com in exchange for my honest review. I know this review is very late,…
Hey everyone! Pardon the mess on the site starting to change some stuff around. Here is a new menu of booking appointments online with…
With every trial, you learn something. I had a pretty big wake up call in the face at the 2018 USA Box Working Nationals.…
Our new business phone number will be 502-517-7669 effective immediately. 502-817-9067 is no longer a business line and I cannot guarantee that your call…
Order your own Haus of Boxers Kennel & Canine Training T-shirt. Help support the business and Lupus research as well. 10% of all sales…