Well 2020 was a poop-show and I barely got anything done on the dog front Or the business front. 2020’s business was terrible and…
Boxer Training Weekend February 21-23, 2020- Clarksville, TN
Yes, I know this entry is way overdue. I have not fallen off the face of the planet. I have just been busy with…
2020 Goals (a little late…)
I know every year I write a post about my next years goals. I guess I must’ve forgotten to do so this year. However,…

Vendor Event 4.12.2019-4.14.2019
So this weekend we did a vendor show at the Fairgrounds, all in all made some contacts, got some interested people but OVERALL it…

Weekly Training Notes (BoxerFest 2018 Edition) 6/17/2018
This weekend we got the opportunity to train in Pennsylvania with Minna and Chris Becher. We drove 6 1/2 to 7 hours to get…