So we had training session on Thursday with Capone and Tia. We just did some more proofing on getting ready for the BH in…

Weekly Training Notes- 1.5.2019
Well it’s the first training notes of the year!! I think we had a great session yesterday with Christina and Diamond Hansel. So I…
Weekly Training Notes- 12/15/2018
Well it was a wet training day this weekend. But a totally successful session with the Hansels. Tia’s obedience was so great. She has…
Getting Back in Gear! “We got goals!”
Ok, so the last few weeks have not been good healthwise to me and I’ve only had energy and time to run my business.…
Weekly Training Notes 11/3/2018
Hello! I know it’s been a long while since I’ve done my weekly training notes. Training has been a little sporadic with it being…

New Way to Book Online
Hey everyone! Pardon the mess on the site starting to change some stuff around. Here is a new menu of booking appointments online with…