Chronic illness rears its ugly head…

The past two months have been the most unproductive months I’ve had in a long time. I’ve written a little about having Chronic Illnesses. I think it’s time I go into depth about them and how they effect me as a dog trainer and dog handler.

The List…I have a lot going on healthwise and I here I will give a brief synopsis of each condition

  1. Lupus- the major culprit. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Pretty much my immune system is backwards and attacks my own healthy cells. For example everyone has Antibodies that help them fight things like colds and flus. My antibodies like to attack my good cells in my body as well as the bad cells. I always say my body is attacking itself. I’ve had this since 2011 and I take medication and a monthly infusion to make my flare-ups less.
  2. Fibromyalgia- another major culprit. This is a nerve pain issue. It normally hits me in my neck and shoulders but recently it has moved down my back. I take pain medication that is specific to nerve pain for this condition to keep it under control. Although I still have flare-ups it’s definitely less than what I would have if I wasn’t taking the medication.
  3. Polymyositis- Is another autoimmune disease. It means muscle weakness. With these flare ups my muscles get heavy and weak. It hurts pretty much to move. My monthly infusion for my Lupus also keeps this disease under control.
  4. Scleroderma- is also autoimmune in nature. It is the chronic hardening and tightness of the skin. Mainly effecting my hands. They normally get swollen at the knuckles.
  5. Raynauds Syndrome- is also autoimmune. Pretty much my fingers are sensitive to extreme hot and cold situations. The tips of my fingers turn white and go numb in the cold if I’m not wearing gloves. In the extreme heat they turn red, but don’t hurt as much as in the cold.
  6. GERD- Acid Reflux. Just bad acid reflux. I take medication that controls this.
  7. Gastroparesis- is where my stomach moves slowly digesting food. These flare ups are painful.
  8. Interstitial Lung Disease- which means the Lupus has started to attack lungs and leave scarring on them. I’m on medication that helps this from progressing and its actually been good the last couple of years. However with that an asthma I do get winded pretty easily. But I have inhalers that help me with that too.

I won’t go into the minor things so these 8 are the main culprits. How does this effect me as a Dog Trainer? A perfect example is I was in the hospital last week Tuesday-Friday because of my Gastroparesis. I had clients almost everyday scheduled. I had to cancel the week and it sucked. I have been lucky to have clients that understand. So I don’t get bent out of shape about cancellations or reschedules. I had a friend suggest that I charge a penalty fee for cancellations or reschedules. I cannot on a good conscience do that. I know there will be times that my health will get in the way and I will have to reschedule clients. It’s not fair to hold them to a different set of rules.

How does this effect me as a Dog Handler for my own dogs? Training is hard sometimes. Its really sketchy. Summertime my joints feel great and I can make more training days. However, I have to watch myself from being in direct sunlight because of the lupus. That sun will drain me in a matter of minutes from being in it. I can’t really take the chance to train outside when it’s raining. My immune system is so compromised that I may get sick from being in the rain a lot.

How do I remedy these things and keep going? First off I tell myself to not compare myself to the other people I train with. They are not dealing with the same things I am healthwise and yes it will take me longer to get a BH or CD title on both my dogs. Simply because 1) I’m trialing and training with two dogs 2) Health issues, makes consistent training impossible, but I do what I can. Secondly, when I do train I go all out and try to cover a lot of material. So on the good days, I go training and it could last a few hours (with breaks of course). 3)Also, did I fail to mention that these are my first IGP dogs. I’m green as ever and trying to take things in that my trainers and mentors tell me.

I know some people don’t understand or don’t even want to know and question my dedication to this sport (IGP). I am very dedicated, I love this sport. I like AKC Obedience and Rally but I LOVE IGP. I’m not writing this to make excuses, I’m writing this to help overcome these setbacks and calm down. And to maybe inspire someone else who has autoimmune diseases and don’t think they can do it. You can! Do I get mad about it? Hell yes, All the time. Nobody wants an autoimmune disease such as Lupus or Fibromyalgia. I get mad that I tire easily. I get mad at myself because sometimes I cannot hold my own dog during protection work. I get mad that I can’t make every single training weekend. I get mad that I have great dogs and I’m the one thats holding them back. And Lastly, I get mad because I feel like I can do better but in all actuality I have had to stop and listen to my body and realize that Rome wasn’t built in a day and I will get there. Maybe at a snails pace but I will get there. Will I give up totally? Nope. It’s not in my blood to give up. I just have to accept I will end the rant now lol. Happy Training everyone!



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub