Int. CH (IABCA) V Ciceron Kamenicki ZTP BH RN RA BN CGC
D.O.B: 5/24/2015
Breeder: Vladimir Vragocanski…Boxer Kennel Kamenicka
DM- A Clear/Normal
Heart:Normal, ECHO Cardiologist pending Holter, BX-CA3508/14M/C-PI-ECHO
Thyroid: Normal OFA# BX-TH916/14M-VPI
Patella: Normal OFA#BX-PA149/14M/P-VPI
HD (Hips-BK): B2
Spondylosis- BK: Grade-2
PENN Hip: Left DI: 0.44 Right DI: 0.31
Sire: Varano Della Rocca Constanza BH IPO1 VO
Dam: Xenia Kamenicka IPO1

We co-own him with Jeannie McElroy from Big Mac Boxers. He is from Serbia, from Boxer Kennel Kamenica. At the 2016 American Boxer Nationals Capone obtained his Rally Novice title and his first leg towards his Beginner Novice title. In 2017 we obtained his Rally Advanced and Beginner Novice titles. Capone obtained his Beginner Novice title in Evansville, Indiana the first weekend of January 2017. Capone is also a 1st place International Champion in IABCA registry. Capone is also a V-excellent rated in FCI Conformation. Capone is now training in IGP (Schutzhund), and AKC Obedience and Rally. Capone will be our foundation male for Haus of Boxer Kennel Program in 2019. In September 2018 under judge Igne Gerwin (Germany), Capone earned his ZTP, breed suitability test. In September 2019 Capone obtained his BH title at the 2019 USA BOX Working Boxer Championship Trial.
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