Evansville Obedience Trial 9/8/2018 & 9/9/2018

Day one went great in Evansville. I entered Tia in Beginner Novice. She scored 197 out of 200 and got 2nd place. So proud of her. Here is video of her run: The judge said she is a very good working dog. She said the only advice she could give to me was to speed up a little bit. Don’t worry about Tia, she will definitely follow me. Now looking at the video I do move kind of slow during the normal speed. So I will try to go faster in the future but not too fast. When she said 197 i was like, ‘me? us? really’ its the highest scoring Beginner Novice routine that I’ve ever done. I’ve done 3 of these in the past with Heidi, Presco, and Capone. Day 2 did not go as planned. I think most of this was my fault. I thought we started later. However, when I arrived with my coffee in my hand thinking I was early, Beginner Novice A’s were in the ring…I had three dogs until it was me. So I busted ass to get Tia ready and do a little warm up (apparently not enough). When we got in the ring, our heeling was amazing. We did so much better than day 1. I sped up and Tia was right with me, with her attention on me. Figure 8 heeling was great too. Now the sit for exam is where we lost it all. She was so excited. When the judge touched her head she stood up. I think the judge was more disappointed than me, lol. We continued and did the rest of the exercises they were good. One the recall she didn’t wait for me to call her but we had already NQ’d with the sit for exam. Judge said again shes a great working dog and she really likes her attitude in the ring. Just have more people do the sit for exam exercise so she gets it. So we had a good take away from day 2 and improvement. There’s always GLTC’s trial in October we will have her ready by then! Happy Training! Ellasha  


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub