Getting Back in Gear! “We got goals!”

Ok, so the last few weeks have not been good healthwise to me and I’ve only had energy and time to run my business. It sucks. I’ve been fitting in little Obedience training sessions with Tia but not to the degree that we need to be. This weekend we will not make training because I have a vendor event for the business on Sunday, all day. It’s Christmas time so I’m pushing for my gift cards for families and friends that get a new pup or adult dog for Christmas. However, starting next week I’m going to get back in gear. I’m going to track and do Obedience at least 3 times a week. I will be back to training in e-town next weekend (if we have it). I haven’t really made out my goals for next year yet. But I think it’s clear that I would like to be BH ready for the spring and get that on Tia and then start working for our IPO1. I would also like for Tia to complete her AKC BN (Beginner Novice) title and her CD (Novice Obedience) title in 2019. I know the EWWBK is going to have a conformation show in March so we will travel up there for that just to support the club, however we probably will not be concentrated on Conformation in 2019. Both Tia and Capone have their V- Excellent ratings that they need and there’s really no point to showing them. Next year will be concentrated on Performance titles. I plan on going to American Boxer Club Nationals in May and that’s where I plan to get Tia’s CD title. I may show her in Rally as well. She is now in Rally Advanced, which is off leash and has jumps. She’s done a little with jumps but definitely needs more and we need to go over the Rally Advanced signs as well. Tia is currently in season which is also making training her a mess because she is not paying any attention to me during obedience sessions. But she needs to work through it. I’ve been told that I should bring her around to training groups when she’s in season however some people get bent the hell out of shape because their male dogs don’t pay attention and are interested in the smell. Well my personal opinion is they have to get over that. A female in season could be at a trial (IPO), better your dog get over it during training then act like a complete asshat during a trial. But hey, that’s just my opinion. But on the other hand I do feel bad because that’s valuable training time that I guess is wasted for them. So I guess me being sick and not making training times is good, I guess. But we will be back and ready next week. We will mainly train by ourselves and I will see where her heat cycle is by next Saturday and make a call wither or not to go to E-town for training. So here’s to getting my ass back in gear with training! Happy Training! Ellasha


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub