Heidi Santana Von Big Mac CGC RN BN RA
D.O.B. 5.15.2011- D.O.D. 2.19.2021
Breeder: Jeannie McElroy- Big Mac Boxers
Sire: Boxmann Star Trek BH AD CGC WH
Dam: Maruscha Von Der Alten Warth BH AD
Hips: OFA Fair- BX4888F31F-VPI
Heidi is my little feisty girl! She was bred here in Kentucky from Big Mac Boxers. She is spunky and has a great personality. She loves anyone she comes into contact with. She is quite the athlete as well. She has her Canine Good Citizen, Rally Novice, and Beginner Novice titles. January 2016 Heidi Obtained her Rally Advanced title. We are trying to get her Rally Excellent and her Obedience Novice title. She is my most attentive dog and will mind on a dime. She also lets us know when the mailman or UPS guy is at the door. She will not be in the breeding program due to age.