IABCA Dog Show and St.Louis Visit 7.23.2018-7.24.2018

This past weekend I went to St.Louis for an International All-Breed Canine Association (IABCA) conformation show. Ok from the starts let’s just get one thing straight. I hate conformation. I know it’s a necessary evil but I don’t like doing it. Conformation is where your dog prances around the ring and looks pretty. It’s very boring but hey ya gotta do it if you want a well-rounded dog. So I made the trip to St.Louis, Purina Farms to show. I met Tia’s breeder Minna and her sister there. We shared a hotel room. Friday night was spent having girl time and drinking wine lol. Saturday the real fun began. There are no pictures from Saturday because Me and Minna didn’t realize we’d both be in the ring at the same time, showing Tia and her sister Fire. Going into the weekend I had no expectations except to get Tia’s International Championship. I didn’t really care how she placed. Especially going against her sister Fire. She just can’t compete with her. Fire always wins, lol. So we are happy getting 2nd or even 3rd place. In the first and second show on Saturday Tia got 3rd place but V-1 ratings. Meaning her conformation was very excellent. After the 2nd show we went to the St. Louis Arch which for the love of God had so many stairs. I almost died. It was a long day. We didn’t get back to the hotel until 10 or 11 PM. I was so freaking tired, I couldn’t even drink my wine. I fell asleep after taking two sips lol. Here are some pics from the weekend. And of course we can’t forget Arch pictures: All in all it was a really good trip. Got some great critiques about Tia and she got her International Championship. So now she is V Int. CH Boxnen’s Republic of Love. So proud of her and her hotel behavior. She was so good at the hotel. Here are some pics that Minna took of her sleeping with me. So that’s all for now. Happy Training. Ellasha *Update* July 23, 2018 Our official picture from the IABCA Show came in  


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub