Its that time of year again….2021 Goals…

Well 2020 was a poop-show and I barely got anything done on the dog front Or the business front. 2020’s business was terrible and right now I still feel like I am in the startup phase of my business. But I have managed to come up with a few gifts that are going under two different categories 1) Business 2) Personal Dogs with out further ado, here we go:

Business goals

  • Look for a facility (this one has already been set in motion)
  • Be able to offer Boarding and Board and Trains and maybe even day care for pups.
  • I would like to find a groomer so I could offer that service too.
  • Hire an assistant
  • Reach out to big name brands to be able to offer their food or treats or toys.

Personal Dog Goals

  • Work on AKC Novice Obedience for both Tia and Capone. AKC Rally Advanced for Tia, and Rally Excellent for Capone.
  • Tia-ZTP, Capone- Holter
  • Just keep on working my dogs and being a good club member
  • Make the 3 meetings I have to in order to be a member of Greater Louisville Training Club.
  • Go to more seminars and conferences

I limited my goals to only 5 things in each category. Are these goals attainable? Yes you bet they are. Will I get them all? Probably not but there’s always next year. So I’m not stressed. Just gonna sit back and enjoy the process to getting there. So there it is my goals!! Come on 2021! Let’s do this!! Happy Training everyone.



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub