Ok I’ve had enough 2020…

2020 came in like a wrecking ball!!! Geez I had so many goals and training I wanted to do. But here comes COVID-19, rioting, looting, etc. I just wanna train my dog. All trials and training was canceled. Well I still trained at home. A surgery I was supposed to have in March got pushed back to May. Its been a rollercoaster ride. I’m ready to say skip the remaining months of 2020 and lets do better in 2021.

I’m just joking. I didn’t get too bent out of shape about it though. I have my mask and I wear it everywhere because I have a suppressed immune system. Lupus attacks my lungs so I cannot afford to get COVID-19, there is no telling how I would do. So if you are coming out to train with me I will be checking temperatures and asking the same questions that every establishment asks about COVID-19. We are going to adhere to the CDC guidelines as it pertains to 6ft distances and mask wearing.

So I’ve kind of gotten away from what this post is actually about lol. I wanted to share my new goals since COVID-19, gastroparesis, rioting & looting have totally flushed my list down the toilet, LOL. We are slowly getting back to a little bit of normalcy. I’ve had two weekend trainings with Chris and Minna with Tia, in which she did good. I just gotta force myself to track more on my own. I loathe tracking, lol. Tia’s good at it though, she likes to do it.

So hoping in the fall to get Tia’s BH (entry level obedience title in Schutzhund) and ZTP (Breed Suitability test). When she is in season again we will be breeding her to a super-nice male and that will be the start of our breeding program. I talked to my tax lady and she told me that I needed to think of a new name for the breeding business because its going to be a completely separate entity. But I have time to do that. She just came out of season a couple of weeks ago.

Capone is now focusing on AKC stuff so I hope to get his CD title (Novice Obedience), and Rally Excellent title. By the end of the year. 2021 be prepared for greatness to happen. LOL

Happy Training



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub