“Prelude to a Puppy”

I’m writing a blog entry to better describe my training courses. So I’m starting at the lowest level up. I’ve always wondered if I had had someone who specializes in puppy education and red flags that breeders put up, I wouldn’t have gotten my first boxer Laila , or Presco, or Heidi. Don’t get me wrong I love them to death but we would’ve probably passed on the breeder we got them from if we knew better.

I don’t even know what the title is for someone doing this type of work. I guess just a Dog Educator? Someone who helps you research the breed that you want, explain possible health issues with the breed, and helps you research a reputable breeder or shelter or rescue. I just help the client think about what all goes into getting this puppy/adult dog. I also offer a discount when they want to go through training with their new pup/adult dog.

I am also there to answer any questions go over contracts and give my honest opinions on dog-related things. Its a more hands-on role not really a class. So in order to sign up for the class you go to my scheduling page sign up and you will receive an email or phone call to schedule your first meeting with me.

I am so excited about this new service that I’m offering I can barely stand it. If you’ve been a student of mine you know how I’m all about educating clients. Obedience is more than “Sit” or “Down”. I want to enhance the bond between owners and their pets. So to offer this service is awesome. The price will vary because each case will require different skill sets of work. Consultation will be the first step in this process.

Happy Training



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub