Responsible Dog Owner

Is this your first puppy? or you’re not sure of what to do when you get puppy or being a responsible dog owner. This class is for you. We will go over why training is important, and do’s and don’ts of having a puppy or adult dog. We will troubleshoot behaviors such as chewing, potty training, destructive behavior, we will learn how dogs learn. We will also talk about how to correctly crate train your pup.

This is only offered as a class. But mostly will be set up as a Virtual Class using Zoom meeting. Please bring notebook to write down notes we will be going over a lot of information in a short amount of time. This is a 4 week long group class. We will meet once a week for 4 weeks. Class is geared for new dog parents who this is their first dog or they haven’t had a dog in at least 10-15 years who wants to brush up on being a responsible dog owner. Or if you have questions about proper etiquette when taking you dog out in public. Also what you should bring with you when you take your pup out in public.

For instance, in the past, when I knew I’m going to take one of my young dogs somewhere like Home Depot (1 of many dog friendly places), I would dress my dog with prong collar because they knew that they are doing training when that collar is on. I left their Flat collar on for style. I make sure I have a 6ft or 3ft lead. In my pockets, I have a toy and some treats. My dogs have been training a few years so they know how to act in public. Now, I just use the prong collar, and a toy for reward when we are training in the aisles.

We will also start with some puppy obedience such as working on the dogs focus on the handler. We will also start the Leave It command.

Happy Training,



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub