September Beginner Obedience Class Information

Hello all! I know it’s been a while since I’ve written. Its been crazy busy with work and having health issues on top of that put me on the bench for a while. But now I’m back and I have some exciting news. We are starting our first group class. I will also be writing more, especially with my weekly training notes.

Thursday, September 19, 2019 @ 6PM we will start a 7 week Beginner Obedience Class. If you are interested please email . We are limiting spaces in the class to 5-6 students. Price is $85 to be paid before or on the first night of class. Class is geared towards dogs 12 weeks and older.

We will focus on a good foundation of engagement, and sit, walk nice on leash, down, and beginning phases of recalls. Equipment needed: 6ft leash, collar, treats and/or favorite toy. Forms will need to be filled out and either emailed back to or mailed to: Haus of Boxers Kennel and Canine Training, P.O. Box 16220, Louisville KY 40256. Forms needed are HOB New Client Intake Form, HOB Waiver and Consent, HOB Photo release, HOB Welcome Handout. You can find these forms on the Forms page.

Happy Training—Ellasha


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub