Show Schedule Until December 2018

So, with these surgeries, it has put me behind on getting Titles on both Tia and Capone. So I’m looking at my schedule for shows, training, and seminars for the rest of the year. Sometime in the near future- I will be getting Tia’s Canine Good Citizen title by Christina Hansel. June 9th-10th- Evansville Obedience Club. Evansville, Indiana. AKC Rally Trial. I am going after Tia’s Rally Advance Title. June 16-17- Minna and Chris Becher Training in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. IPO Training(i.e. Tracking, Obedience, and Protection work). I will be taking both Capone and Tia. I will be riding with a training buddy who’s also going. June 23rd- IABCA Sieger Show @ Purina Farms. FCI and American Conformation. Tia can get her International Champion title in one weekend if she shows well. August 11,12- Tommi Vahalla Seminar. Wisconsin @ Minna Becher’s house. Auditing spot for Tia only. August 18,19- Queen City Obedience & Rally Trial. @ Sharonville, OH @ Queen City. Tia will be entered in Beginner Novice. September 7,8,9- Rally and Obedience Trial. Evansville, Indiana. Tia will be entered in Rally and Beginner Novice. September 28, 29, 30- USA BOX Sieger Show. Rockford, Illinois. Tia and Capone will show in Conformation shows and hopefully will get their Breed Survey or ZTP done as well. October 10, 11, 12- Greater Louisville Rally and Obedience. Louisville KY. Tia will be entered in Beginner Novice and Rally Advance October- IPO Club Trial. Crittenden KY. Both Tia and Capone going for their BH. October 13,14- IPO Club Trial- Campbellsport, WI- Minna and Chris’s IPO Club. If Tia and Capone don’t get their BH title at GCSC Trial. November 9, 10,11- Rally and Obedience Trial- Evansville, Indiana. Tia hopefully will be entered in Novice to get her CD Title. December 1,2,- Queen City. Obedience and Rally Trial. Sharonville, OH. Enter Tia for her Novice Title. It looks a little busy, doesn’t it? But we will try to adhere to this schedule for the rest of the year. Plus weekly training as well, its gonna get crazy. But I’m so ready for the challenge. Tia and Capone are ready to get their titles. Have Fun and Happy Training. Ellasha      


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub