I can never explain or understand why my mind can remember the words to the movie Titanic (circa 1997), but can’t remember what I did yesterday, or a conversation I just had with someone. That’s why I tend to write things down especially important things.
I have been using Erin Condren planners for the last 5 years. They remind me of everything, even though I may be dog trainer I am also a giddy girl when I get my planner in mail. I like to be organized. Or at least I try to be organized. I write down everything in it. Its great. I was going to write a complete review on this but decided to use some of the pictures to help make my point that this is the best planner known to man.

Look at the different layouts you can have. So totally awesome. So I put Haus of Boxers Logo on my Life Planner. I also started using Erin Condren Notebooks. I could custom make the front cover so I used my logo again. Now something must’ve went wrong on Erin Condren order of my Life Planner because the logo is very lopsided. I didn’t complain, I just took it as is.

I use my notebook for training notes and what I am supposed to work on until next meeting with Tia and Capone. Tia’s training notebook:
I wholeheartedly believe that journals/training notes are very important to have. It helps with memory. Especially if you are training more than one dog. Now that Capone is just doing AKC Rally and AKC Obedience he needs his own notebook.
You can go to the Erin Condren website https://www.erincondren.com/referral/invite/ellashaferriell0616/1 for referral.
Happy Training!