I know, I know, I know. I have been majorly slacking on both of my blogs. Hoping to remedy that soon. I do have some blogs outlined just have to add the finishing touches on them. But I can kind of do a recap about what’s going on in the business and dog life. Lets start off with a trip to the carwash last week with Ms. Tia:

Friday June 17, 2022, Tia was my errand buddy. I love taking her along to run errands!
So as far as the business goes. I have been doing a lot of things behind the scenes. What? You may ask. So here we go. In January I enrolled to CATCH Academy to get more knowledge and my Dog Trainer Certificate. If everything stays on track, I should graduate by December 2022. I have years of experience training dogs, but there is always something else to learn. If you come across a trainer who says they know everything..Run..dont walk…Run away from them. Also I’m a Type A personality so having a certificate from a great dog training school is important to me. It shows my clients that I have invested and continue to invest in my knowledge of dog training to always better myself to be the best trainer I can be. Because I owe that to my Client teams!
Also in January 2022 I had a bad case of shingles on my face. Yes you read that right Shingles…the disease that 75 year old’s get. Well anyone can get it if you have had chickenpox as a kid, the Shingles virus is already inside you. However they won’t vaccinate you for Shingles unless you are 50 years or older. That shit hurt. They were scared that it was going to go to my eye. I had weekly appointments with the eye doctor and tons of drops to put in my eye daily. I couldn’t even work on my computer that much. Poor Dan picked up the slack because my vision was a hot mess. Oh and it felt like my face was on fire..a continuous fire. LOL!

So no soon as I get over the shingles…his little co-conspirator COVID-19 comes rolling around. Now I was lucky. I had been vaccinated and had the booster. It was the Omarion strain. I went to ER where I thought originally it was just a cold, ok i hoping it was just a cold. I don’t have time for COVID-19 resting and isolation I’m trying to get a business off the ground here. So they kept me in the ER until morning because the first shipment of antibodies was due to hit the hospital around 8am. I was eligible to get the antibodies. So to conclude it all it wasn’t that bad. I quarantined myself for 4-5 days. Dan used the back door entrance and wore a mask when he had to be around me.
In March 2022, I had a surgery that’s supposed to help with my Gastroparesis. It was a laparoscopic surgery. Supposed to be out patient and done in a med center. So we get there, they get me all prepped and ready to go. All of a sudden the Anesthesiologist comes in and says she’s not doing the surgery. I was ease dropping. She said that whoever signed off on this surgery did not look at my chart. My lung issues causes me to be at a higher risk and my surgery should be done at a hospital not a med center. If something went wrong in the surgery center they are not close to a hospital. Apparently the doctor who signed off on my surgery was a visiting doctor, not one on staff. They had to unhook me to everything. Dr. Hughes was upset as I was, but I understood why the Anesthesiologist did not want to take the risk. I am glad she took a look at my chart before going in because if something were to go wrong, it would be bad. So I was a little more than disappointed. So we had to reschedule the surgery for 2 weeks later at the hospital. Still in March. Good thing we did it in the hospital because my surgery time was like Noon, they had trouble waking me up and my Oxygen sats were low. After two breathing treatments I was good to go. Except, it was about 7PM and the pharmacy had closed. So I had to wait until the morning to get my pain medication. About 3AM is when the pain hit, I just stayed laying on my back in bed until I got my medication the next morning. Did not sleep a wink, in too much pain. You never realize how much you actually use your ab muscles until you have surgery on your abdomen.
Then in April, I find out that my right hip needs to be replaced. I have a great orthopedic surgeon who’s done my knees. I was getting an x-ray at urgent care for something unrelated, I think it was my stomach for Gastroparesis but the doctor asked if I had an orthopedic surgeon, to make an appointment with him because he was seeing Avascular Necrosis in my right hip. From my knee situation I know that if they can tell on just an x-ray its bad. So Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Price with Ellis and Badenhausen, did x-ray and CT Scan, he decided to try with medication for a month, did not work. He thought it might be too far gone for the meds to work anyway. So we scheduled surgery for April 25th. Supposed to be outpatient again, but they kept me a night to regulate my pain.
And now next Monday, June 27, 2022 I will be having another outpatient surgery. So I had to push the “Summer School 2022” Program back to starting July 19, 2022 and July 21, 2022. This surgery should (and I say that loosely because it could knowing me and my luck…) be a quick recovery and the July start dates are good. I have a lot of get back to after surgery. I have blog posts to make while Im recovering. I will schedule those for the following few weeks. I will also be doing a series of posts that re-introduces ALLLLLL of the services we have to offer in better detail. I still plan on doing a Facebook Live in July closer to when we will start the “Summer School 2022” Program. So I guess, hang tight for now, and See you soon. Again if you want to sign up for Summer School 2022, you can now. The dates have been changed in the ProPet System. So http://www.evolutiondogtraining.propetware.com click this link and get started on building your profile and join the date you want to start Tuesday July 19, 2022 or Thursday July 21, 2022. Remember you can enter each class individually or as the total package with the discount. Can’t wait to see you soon! Happy Training!
