Upcoming July 2021 Classes

So we have found a spot to temporarily holding classes while we raise money or get funding for our more permanent spot. The next classes will be in July and will be held at the Valley Hope Center 10801 Deering Rd Louisville, KY 40272. We are offering 2 Beginner Obedience Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays then on Wednesdays Puppy Class & HUMAN ONLY class Responsible Dog Ownership. If you want more information about the classes please click on services on the main menu above.

I will be making another post soon about ProPet our software that we are using to keep in contact with our clients. www.evolutiondogtraining.propetware.com or click the sign up button below.

You can email, signup for classes, and even pay through this software. After we get the classes rolling out, we will also start our Pack Walk Membership. We are still working on what all this will include. So far it will include a Sunday walk at a different park. We are thinking once a month but may open it up every Sunday in the month. Have any other ideas? What service would you like to see added to the Membership? Comment on this post or email us info@evolutiondogtrainer.com. Happy Training!!



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub