Update 9.29.20

Ok, so I’m almost caught up with things. Well sort of. Haus of Boxers is starting its second round of group classes. Starting the week of October 5, 2020.

October 5, 2020- 6:00PM- Responsible Dog Owner

October 7, 2020- 6:00PM- AKC Rally

October 8, 2020- 6:00PM- Beginner Obedience

October 8, 2020- 7:00PM- AKC Beginner Novice/Novice

You can sign up for these classes at the following link or you can go to my scheduling page on the main menu. https://hausofboxersscheduling.as.me/classes

As for the blog, I have tons to write about. I just have to find the time to sit down and write it. 2020 has been such a horrible year for dogsports, well for people all around. These last few months of 2020 we can actually get some goals together. So 2020 Working Boxer Nationals is in Pennsylvania this year October 31, 2020- November 1, 2020. I will be attempting again with Tia to get her BH. Hopefully we can get it. I’m training with her everyday in obedience, just breaking the obedience routine down. October 17-18, 2020 there is a trial prep at a club members house in Winnebago, IL. I plan on going to that. If we get her BH, then I want to focus on her AD next, getting her conditioned. I have a dog pacer treadmill but I’m not strong enough to move it myself. So that has to be a group effort. We will start conditioning and we have someone that will ride the bike with her on test day in November. Wait hold up let me back up a second…an explain what an AD title is. Basically the dog has to run 12 miles while the handler bikes. My boy Presco has this title already. So it looks like it may be a busy end of the year for me, with travel, training, trialing, etc. But all in good company. Love my dog peeps. Ok, I will stop there and pick it back up a little later with yet another post. Happy Training,



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub