So this weekend we did a vendor show at the Fairgrounds, all in all made some contacts, got some interested people but OVERALL it was kind of a bust. I will give my reasons for believing it overall was a bust shortly. Here was the schedule:
Thursday- was set up day from 5PM-10PM. Got there around 6PM to set everything up. Well they moved me from the spot mapped out and put me along a wall and they felt so bad about doing it that they gave me an extra 8ft long space next to my new spot. So I wasn’t complaining any at all, great space for me and Tia to some demos.
Friday- was there from 3-7PM. So dead I thought I saw a tumbleweed blowing in. They said that Friday was their slowest day but it was damn near dead. So waste of time really. But it was mandatory by the event coordinators and if you decided not to show up they would not work with you in the future.
Saturday- was there from 10-6PM. More traffic but still not as much as they had led one to believe there would be. No one there to watch the demos though but lots of people wanted to meet Tia and talk training with me so that was a positive. Also this day is what is called Thunder Over Louisville, its the opening event for all the Kentucky Derby events so our little event was competing with that huge event. Its held at the waterfront and an all day event to end with fireworks at night.
Sunday- was there 10-4PM. There was more traffic than Friday and Saturday. However the vendors were getting less and less. People kept packing up and leaving because they weren’t making any money because of the slow foot traffic. I actually got to do my demos for some people and talk to them about different things. A lot more people at the booth and taking my cards and freebies I had. Also got a lot of information from people for a drawing I was giving away a free 6 week in-home training package.
Overall treatment from the event coordinators were great. They allowed Tia to come in to be a demo dog and came to visit her each day. I just think with Thunder Over Louisville being this weekend it put a real damper our event. Also I don’t think the event coordinator did their very best to promote the event. There were no radio spots done, all they did was Facebook Advertising by word of sharing the page, I think Facebook Ads work when done correctly, I just don’t think it was done correctly in order to up the notability of the event.

Table set up!

The same event coordinator is having the event again in October. I haven’t decided wither or not to attend yet. I will have to think about it. Again, I think a major damper on this weekends event was the fact that it was Thunder Over Louisville, weekend and who can compete with that really.
Happy Training