Weekly Training Notes- 1.5.2019

Well it’s the first training notes of the year!! I think we had a great session yesterday with Christina and Diamond Hansel. So I guess let’s get down to the nitty gritty.


Tia- She was a little rusty, but we went through the whole BH routine with rewards. She just needs more consistency and that’s my fault as of late I haven’t been consistent in our training. But we are back now. Also her recall was amazingly fast but I pushed it to be too perfect. I should have rewarded for her speed instead I waited and tried to do a finish before rewarding. So need to do repetitions on where I reward on her speed only to keep her coming in fast.

Capone- Did awesome during obedience. His heeling especially off leash looked phenomenal. We went through the whole BH routine as well. He did great until the group, he was a little distracted by the people so that’s something we have to work on. Also during his out of motions he recalled during the sit, we redid it and he stayed. During the down he anticipated the recalled and came without being called when I turned and faced him. So just some work on doing those consistently.


Tia- Everyone has an off week or a rusty coming back week lol. So Tia was extremely rusty.

Capone- Did great. Great bites and barking was good.

I only got pictures of Capone this week. So here is his obedience and protection pictures:

Photos credit to Christine Naydenov. She takes such beautiful pictures!! Well I got my homework for the week. Happy Training!



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub