Weekly Training Notes 11/3/2018

Hello! I know it’s been a long while since I’ve done my weekly training notes. Training has been a little sporadic with it being trial season however the last major trial is this weekend and we will get back on a regular training schedule like before. However last Saturday I took Tia to training. I noticed the night before she was a little swollen in womanly area which meant she was going to come into season soon. When Tia is in season for the first 12 days she’s pretty much a bitch and she does not focus at all. Which she proved to be true Saturday. We practiced long downs while other people were on the field and she did really well. I was super proud of her. When is was our turn on the field, she did ok with her sit stay, and down stay… her recall was terribly slow though. Then we did some heeling and she was not paying the least bit attention to me. So I ended the session and put her up. During protection she did great. She was targeting the sleeve better. Didn’t try to bite the corners at all. I need to get a new long line because the nylon line I have was slipping through my hands and I was unsure if I could hold her like that. So a friend suggested I get a biothane line with nubbies on it for more grip. I ordered it that day from dogsportgear.com. I did not take Capone because I wasn’t tracking. We have decided that Dan will take over Capone’s training. He works so much better with him. However we will have to do private evening sessions with the Hansels because Dan cannot make the Saturday training. Honestly all in all I need to get myself back in routine of tracking in the morning. I haven’t been doing that at all. I’ve been doing a little obedience on my own but I need to do more. My pet obedience training business has started to pick up, which is another reason there haven’t been posts. Once I figure out my schedule in a routine and will be able to fit my own training back in my schedule. So here’s too getting it all together lol…Happy Training! Ellasha


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub