Weekly Training Notes- 12/15/2018

Well it was a wet training day this weekend. But a totally successful session with the Hansels. 

Tia’s obedience was so great. She has improved a lot. Christina was impressed. We had been working all last week. I need to still work on my coordination with rewarding. Recalls are looking good. Just gotta get her motivated to come in to me faster. So that’s what we will work on. I plan on going up to Evansville January 5th and 6th for Obedience trial. Hoping to get Tia’s Beginner Novice (BN) title. Tia’s protection was ok, she had a new helper that’s learning how to work with Boxers. So when he did what Diamond told him to with her, she was all good. She did try to bite the elbow a couple of times but her barking is staying strong as well. Overall a good training day for Ms. Tia. 

Capone’s Obedience went great. He worked really well with me. Just need to keep working with him. Distractions are a big thing so I think we are going to be doing that. Hopefully at ABC National in May he can get his CD (Novice) title. I plan on going for BH’s again at a trial in May in Wisconsin. Capone’s Protection went well as well. He worked with new helper who was learning but he still brought his intensity. Seeing that he hasn’t worked in a while, I was super proud of him. So overall good training day for Mr.Capone. 

I am being more consistent in my weekly training with both dogs, I just gotta keep it up and I will see progress. Happy Training my friends!! 



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub