Weekly Training Notes 6/2/2018

Today was our 2nd-week training with Diamond and Christina Hansel. Last week, it was just me and Tia. This week some of Diamond and Christina’s normal people were there. And actually one person from my current club was there and another person from that local club that I talked about in the last post. However, I thought it would be nice to document our weekly training. Just because it gives me time to reflect and interpret what I have learned and focused on what my homework will be for the following week. This week we continued to lay a new foundation with Tia in Obedience. She’s catching on pretty quickly. But instead of reactivity, Diamond likes to use proactivity, which is starting to make sense to me. We want her to offer the behavior, not be told to do it. We will add words to it soon. So right now he wants her to offer the behavior then I’ll reward her with the marker word and a treat. One of the reason’s I like going to Diamond is I feel like he and Christina actually educate me so that I will understand what they are doing. I did not have a lot of this in clubs. I was just told what to do or not do. Protection was good. We are getting somewhere with Tia’s bark. Diamond got her frustrated enough to bark. She had three turns in protection. Christina held her for me because I just can’t handle her. She has gotten so strong and I’m not back to my full strength from surgery. But all went well. I was excited to go three times in Protection. Diamond is getting acquainted with Tia very well. Next training for us will be a private session with Diamond and Christina on Tuesday. They will be out of town this weekend so no group training. I’m glad they offer private lessons during the week. I am really happy with the training. Also, the group is very welcoming. They are not a Club it’s just a private group of people that get together and train. Happy Training!   Ellasha


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub