Weekly Training Notes 7/1/2018

So this weekend we trained with Christina Hansel. Diamond was away giving a seminar in New Jersey. We met at 8 am to track first. I decided to take Capone with me because at least he could do Tracking and Protection work. So we tracked. Oh, my goodness laying the track in direct sunlight almost killed me. I Laid two small 15 pace tracks for both Tia and Capone. I definitely need to work on my communication and correcting of both dogs. They are starting to actually search more on the track. Even though my steps were too close together so that’s another note to make. When I started tracking my steps were to too far away from each other. So I need to find that happy medium. Again, I also need to track more with the dogs. I need to get off my butt and wake up early in the morning and track. It just takes focus and discipline. Next, we did obedience. I have to work on my timing with Tia when I correct her. And I need to praise her (Calmly) when she’s doing a good job. I don’t communicate well with her because I’m scared if I talk to her she will lose her focus. We tried the sit out of motion and she did pretty well. The first couple of times she did well but then she started to run away when I walked away. We put a long line on her that Christina had to correct her when she tried to run away.  It started to work but this is something I will have to work on at home, with Dan holding the longer line. So that is the homework for the week, track more and work on my coördination with corrections and praise with Tia. Seriously this heat here in Kentucky is killer make sure you are hydrating yourself and your dogs if you are training or going to be out in it. I’m seriously thinking of purchasing on those kiddie pools for the dogs and setting it up with the backyard so they can have a spot to cool off. Happy Training. Ellasha


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub