Weekly Training Notes 7/15/2018

Well, our training this week is in two pieces. We had training on Wednesday and Saturday. So I will start with the training on Wednesday. Wednesday Tracking- I learned how to not lay the track as if I was on a balance beam LOL. So plus for me and I got to see the difference in my dogs’ tracking. So much better. Both Capone and Tia did very well on their tracks. Obedience- Tia did good, me on the other hand gotta get my stamina up to play with her and keep her drive up. She’s great when she’s in her high drive. I just gotta not run out of gas and keep her there. I also need to continue working on my coordination. Protection- Capone did beautifully. He should not have a problem being ready for the ZTP (Breed Survey) in September. His grips are great and he’s starting to learn his blind work and how to Revere. Tia is slipping a little in her protection work. She’s not as vocal, and she has a serious targeting issue. She wants to bite toward the elbow where the material is soft vs. the middle of the sleeve. Diamond has some ideas to fix this with her. Saturday Saturday went sort of better. Tracking- Both did a straight line track of 50 paces. I also used a different treat, the Bil-Jac treats and it helped me to lay my tracks more quickly. Again, I have to get out and track more. But both did well on the longer track. They have only been doing 15-20 pace tracks so I was super proud of them for doing so well. Obedience- Tia did great. It may be time to move on from just healing like doing recalls. Her heeling looked super good. I’m so proud of her. I love working with her. Protection- Tia did good, still working on her targeting the sleeve. Barking was a lot better than last week. Capone did not do so well this week in protection. He has Spondylosis which interferes with the lining of the spine and at times can be painful. Boy, it showed. So I put him up and now I’m researching treatments for when his spondylosis gets to be bothersome to him. He’s never looked like he was so much pain before. I let him rest this week and didn’t do a private lesson with Christina and Diamond. So Saturday we will see how he feels. Well, that’s about all for now. Sorry, this is so late in the week, I try to get it done by Monday. I had a lot of Business running around this week. It’s been super crazy. Plus Amazon had their Prime Day, yep they got me. But I did get some amazing deals and all will be shipped to me by the end of the week. Win! Happy Training, Ellasha


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub