Weekly Training Notes 7/8/2018

A lot of good info this week at training. Let’s start out with Tracking. So I’ve been laying two parallel straight tracks since we are at the beginning of tracking. That’s what my breeder told me to start out with. So I lay my tracks and track my dogs after I’m done Diamond asked me why do I lay two tracks and why that pattern. I told him I honestly didn’t know why its what Minna told me to start out with. He gave very good advice, always know why you are doing something. If I don’t know why then start over and figure out why. Makes total sense. I’m gonna have to start taking a notebook or something because my memory is terrible. Tia did better than Capone in tracking. Obedience. So Tia decided she was going to slam into my left knee (yep the one I had surgery on in April) so I had to put her up for a second while I took care of my knee. I took two Tylenol and worked it out. I got her back out. Learned today that she performs a lot better in high drive. So I gotta get her pumped up with the rag and then work her. Christina took her for a second and I could see how much better she performs in high drive. I just have to work on moving fast enough with her to get her worked up. I’m so excited, it seems like we are definitely getting somewhere. Protection. Tia for some reason wasn’t barking as good as she normally does. I was able to hold her despite my knee injury. So I was proud of that. Capone did awesomely, Diamond started him in the blind and he did pretty well for only his second time in the blind. Diamond said he likes working with him. Here’s a video of Capone during protection. Also pics of both Capone and Tia During Protection. I was so proud of Capone, he’s really coming along in Protection and to think we almost gave up on him. So proud. So that’s this weeks training notes. Gotta get busy on my homework and tracking more..ugh! LOL necessary evil of tracking lol. It’s just that I don’t totally understand it. I think once I understand it I won’t hate it as much. Happy Training. Ellasha *Update More pictures of Capone and Tia taken by Christine Naydenov from training: And Ms. Tia    


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub