Weekly Training Notes 8/26/2018

Hey Everyone! Been super busy training and making strides. This week I got to train 3 days in a row. So I will go day by day. Thursday I got up and got my butt in gear and took Capone and Tia tracking. Both did good but I messed up Capone’s circle track. Here’s video of Tia tracking. She is tracking 50 paces, corner, then 10 paces! Friday I went to etown to train with Christina and Diamond. Tracking went good, Capone did good on his circle track and Tia did well on her track. Even with the higher grass, she did very well. I was proud of both of them. During obedience, it was all handler error. I would give a command and a gesture at the same time instead of saying the came then doing the gesture. I know better but I always seem to screw it up when it counts lol. I just need more repetition. We did the beginner novice routine because I plan on taking her to Evansville next month to get two legs towards that title. We also worked some downs with both Tia and Capone. Capone with distractions. Saturday we did tracking. Tia graduated to 100 paces, corner, 25 paces with an article at the end. She did great. I was very impressed and I got to see what consistency does. She has tracked Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and I saw the improvement. I gotta let this motivate me into tracking at least three times a week with her and Capone if not more. Capone did a lot better on his circle track as well. Christina said he’s almost ready for straight tracks. Obedience went great both Tia and Capone are learning to platz on command rather than waiting for a gesture. The only thing wrong is me, lol. I need to get my corrections together. For example, I should give the command (Platz) wait, if they don’t do it say NO then correction with the leash, then say “good” when they do platz. Instead, I’m giving platz command and doing gesture at the same time, also I keep saying “platz” instead of “NO”, I gotta get it together. So that is what I will be working on this week is my own faults lol. Protection went great, Tia actually targetted the middle of the sleeve. So proud of her. She’s getting better. Capone did some long bites for the first time. He’s gonna have to do two long bites and drives for his breed survey (ZTP) next month. Sorry no pics of training, I was super focused on trying to get them ready for upcoming trials. All in all great three day training week. Happy Training. Ellasha  


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub