Weekly Training Notes 9/2/2018

Well, this week has been super busy! Unexpectedly, we are now traveling to Battle Ground, Washington in a couple weeks for USA Box IPO Nationals. I had no plans of going since it’s in Washington state. Tia’s breeder and my friend Minna has talked me into driving with her there. She has also talked me into trying for Tia and Capone’s BH. They are so not ready, but we are trying to get them there. I am working super hard on their obedience to get them there by the time we leave. I will leave Monday the 17th to go to Minna’s house in Wisconsin then Tuesday we will set out for Washington. Two ladies, and a bunch of doggies, LOL. This is gonna be fun and hilarious, so standby for that post. September is going to be a super busy month aside from Training here’s my dog schedule: Sept 6th- Training with Christina and Diamond Sept 7-9 Evansville- Tia AKC BN legs Sept 14- IPO Training with Diamond Sept 17th- Leave for Wisconsin Sept 18th- Leave for Washington Sept 21-23- USA Box IPO Working Nationals- Tia and Capone BH Sept 28-29- USA Box Sieger Show in Rockford, Illinois- Capone ZTP Plus everyday training on my own trying to get Tia and Capone ready for BH. It’s going to be a bit busy and stressful but I have to remember to take breaks and breathe. Training this week went ok. However, Capone has been showing some behaviors we don’t quite understand. He’s acting bothered by people when he comes on the field. He’s never done this before and it’s definitely affecting the way he is in protection. If Diamond does the work then he’s ready to bite but he won’t self-activate and it’s becoming problematic since we are working long bites for his ZTP (breed survey) at the end of the month. It’s totally stressing me out and I don’t understand why he’s doing it. We decided to ask Minna’s husband Chris Becher is there anything we can do to get him through this weird phase. His obedience is doing great, we just have to work on recalls during our next training session. I think Monday I am going to take him and Tia to the church and work recalls using a long line. Tia’s obedience and protection work are awesome and she’s coming right along in Tracking. She’s doing really well. Yesterday she bit the pillow in the middle and I think she’s getting her targeting down. Christina and Diamond have been working us hard to get ready for the BH in a couple of weeks. It’s definitely not going to be pretty BH’s but we may get through it. In closing, I may not be posting a whole lot this month because I will be super busy with training. Keep up with me on Twitter, I may be posting new pics and updates. Also, I have a new client dog that I’m super excited about he’s a 12 week old German Shepherd mix puppy named Moose. So be looking out for my introduction post about him! That is all for now! Happy Training! Also, have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!   Ellasha  


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub