Weekly Training Notes (BoxerFest 2018 Edition) 6/17/2018

This weekend we got the opportunity to train in Pennsylvania with Minna and Chris Becher. We drove 6 1/2 to 7 hours to get to Aliquippa, Pennsylvania with all four boxers in tow. Presco and Heidi we happy to just hang out. Let’s start with Saturday. We started at about 9 am. Obedience wise both Tia and Capone did well. I worked Tia with the rag rather than using treats and you can still definitely see a lot more pep in her step with that. Dan worked Capone and they did some sit out of motions and they did great with them. Here are some Obedience pics from Saturday with Tia. I forgot to take pics of Dan and Capone..Ooops! During Protection it was great. Tia started biting a puppy sleeve rather than a rag. And Capone did his first blind work. Here are some pictures from Saturday’s protection with Tia and Capone. Capone is biting a full Trial sleeve now. He’s so proud of himself and we are proud of him too. Tia is biting a puppy sleeve. So proud of her and her barking was so on point. Love this girl. After training, we had a cookout and just hung out and talked about dogs and other fun things. I was a great day. Also, Saturday was my birthday so we celebrated with cupcakes and cookies. It was a great way to spend my birthday, training and having fun with all my boxer peeps. We also had an American Bulldog, and some German Shepherds, and German Short-haired Pointers. So it was a mix of everything! Sunday was started training at 9 am. TiaProSun CaponeProSun These videos were taken on my phone so I couldn’t save them. But if you click on the link it will take to the video. Sunday Obedience Pics are below. Me and Tia are first up: Next Up: Dan and Capone   All in all it was a great training weekend. Learned a lot from Chris and Minna. Our pups performed really well despite the heat. I love my dogs. Every time I have a training with Minna and Chris it inspires me to be a better handler. Work on the relationship and the basics with my dog every day. Dan feels the same way. So it’s time to get to work with Diamond and Christina. Let’s do this!  Happy Training! Ellasha


Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub