We’re Baaaaaaacccckkkk!!!

So feeling much better. Ready to train some dogs. If you haven’t notice yet I revamped the business completely. Below I will explain the changes:

  1. I’ve cut back on how many classes I am doing. Instead of have 3 separate classes for Rally Novice, Advanced, and Excellent I put them in one 6-week session. Just a reminder that class starts Thursday, February 6, 2020. Beginner Novice Class starts Wednesday, February 5, 2020.
  2. I’ve added Video and Phone consultations. Lets be real, sometimes people just have questions that can easily be answered or questions that could lead in signing them up for a class or private lessons.
  3. I’ve got dog trainer software to help me keep up with clients, dogs, paperwork and everything else better.
  4. Ok, one you’ve probably noticed is the price jump. When I did research with other dog trainers in my area I realize that I was low balling myself and my expertise is worth more than what I charging as well.
  5. We also have a new refund policy. No refunds unless I see fit a refund. If you just decide to drop out and not continue on, you will not get a refund. Now if something tragic happens with dog or something I will definitely consider a prorated refund.

I am still cleaning up some stuff on the site that deals with these changes. We are coming out strong in 2020 and so excited about it.

Happy Training,



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub