Working, Working, Working…

Wow, it has really been a super long time since I have made a post. That’s how busy I’ve been. So this post is to catch everyone up. We can start with my health, thank you to the readers who emailed me and were concerned I am doing well. I had my surgery May 20th and am doing fine with it. I am now receiving a weekly infusion of medication. A nurse comes to my house and she’s like here all day from 9am until about 5 or 6pm. The infusion lasts 6 hours and I have to have a bag of fluids before and a bag of fluids after the infusion. My nurse is awesome. We talk and watch lifetime movies lol. And of course I’ve been working on my business with my computer. I also have new medication that I’m having to take for my Gastroparesis. This is IV medication and it is helping to keep me out of the Emergency Room which is great. I’m nervous because my port is accessed 24/7 now but I feel I’m doing good at keeping it and the area around it sterile. I feel like I’m my own nurse when I have to draw it up in a syringe from the vial and take the needle off and then give the medicine to myself.

So I started this medicine and my first adventures in dog training happened. I decided to go to my boxer schutzhund clubs training in Illinois @ a friends house. She had room for me to stay in her house which was nice. My nurse hooked me up with a portable IV pole, and portable sharps container. I had my small suitcase packed with nothing but medications and supplies, that alone almost made me chicken out on going. But I did anyway. I took both Tia and Capone. We had a great time, one of the members is a physicians assistant so we knew if something bad happened we at least had her there. But things went great, pups did great and it was good to get back on the field. I think Chris took it a little easy on me. But I survived my first weekend training with port accessed and having to take meds around the clock.

I did so well I decided to go to the next weekends training in Omro, Wisconsin at Minna and Chris’s house. I did get an AirBnB which was only a room but $44 and it was great for what I needed. I stayed an extra day at Minna and Chris’s and did some obedience with Minna before driving back to Kentucky. Here’s some pictures that Minna took of Me and Tia last Sunday.

We have come to the conclusion that I need to focus on one dog. So Mr.Capone’s IGP career is going to be over and we are going to pursue other easier dog sports with him. My main focus now is Tia and getting her BH and her ZTP (Breed Suitability Test) by the end of this year. Then she will be bred. It’s so hard for me to do this to Mr.Capone but I understand the reasoning behind it. Its hard enough to do one dog and me being as sick as I am trying to do two at one time is just way too much for me. I am sad but it will be ok.

Since I’ve been back I started taking a Dog Training Business course and it has been a total game changer for how I will operate my business in the future. A huge learning curve is happening. If you haven’t noticed the website looks a bit different and I am now more active on social media. I’ve also changed my programs to make them less confusing. It’s a twelve week course and we are halfway through it. So make sure you check back and see all the changes. Trust me I haven’t just disappeared off the face of the planet, just working hard behind the scenes and revamping some things. I have new content that I want to post about as well. I will get started on that too sometime next week, so stay tuned and Happy Training!!



Ellasha Ferriell

I am 38 year old former police officer turned owner of dog training company Evolution Dog Training, LLC. Located in Louisville, Kentucky USA. I am a proud member of the following organizations...Bluegrass Boxer Club, United States Boxer Association, East Wisconsin Working Boxer Klub